Celebrate Earth Month in Oro Valley
Join us at the Saturday Oro Valley Farmers Market at Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 N. Oracle Rd. for a FREE bike valet, 9:30am yoga class with Om Yoga, and win free swag with our wellness scavenger hunt.
- Join Om Yoga and Bri at 9:30am for an Earth Day practice. This karma-inspired class is dedicated to earth day. Come practice with us, enjoy the grass between your toes, the sun on your face and the wind in your hair! Bri’s classes inspire fun, laughter and soul-satisfying accomplishment. Your $5 donation supports local charities!
- Anyone who rides their bike to Farmers Market will get a FREE Organic Hibiscus Lemonade from Queen Ceviche and other vendor discounts.
- Scavenger finalists will win free swag and entered into a drawing to win $50 in market tokens.
As we celebrate the 49th Annual Earth Day on April 22nd, Heirloom Farmers Markets will be extending this one-day event through the entire month of April at all five or their markets – Celebrate Earth Month at the Rillito Park & Celebrate Earth Month at Green Valley Village.

PLUS… Celebrate Arbor Day and plant a tree with Mayor Winfield
Get rooted in the spirit of Arbor Day with Mayor Joe Winfield and the Town of Oro Valley at an Arbor Day Celebration on Saturday, April 27. Bring your family to Steam Pump Ranch, plant a tree with the mayor and then branch out and enjoy the Farmers Market.
After the tree planting ceremony, help plant a tree at the site (space is limited, so arrive early), and then stick around to stump the arborist, hosted by Tom Ellis and James Gardner. Tom and James are certified arborists, and they will provide tree pruning and care demonstrations.
The festivities begin at 9:30 a.m. with remarks by Mayor Winfield, Parks & Recreation Director Kristy Diaz-Trahan and Parks Superintendent Tom Ellis. Flower seed packets will be given away. Be sure to enter the tree give away raffle! You do not have to be present to win!
9: 30 a.m. – Welcome introductions
- Kristy Diaz-Trahan – Welcome and dignitary introductions
- Mayor Joe Winfield – The importance of Arbor Day and what it means to him
- Tom Ellis (park superintendent) – The importance of trees in a community
9:45 a.m. – Mayor Winfield to plant ceremonial tree
After the ceremonial tree is planted the public is invited to participate in these activities:
- There will be approximately 16 pre-dug holes for more tree planting for kids and families in attendance. Parks & Recreation staff will be on site to assist.
- Tom Ellis and James Gardner (both certified arborists) will provide tree pruning and care demonstrations on existing trees as well as facilitating a “stump the arborist” Q&A session
- Arbor Day coloring sheets for kids
- Flower seed packet give-a-ways
- Tree give-away raffle. Winner(s) announced at 11 a.m.
- Visit the Farmers Market throughout the morning
The event will conclude at approximately 11:30 a.m. Farmers Market open until noon.
Mayoral Proclamation
At tonight’s Town Council meeting, Mayor Winfield will proclaim Friday, April 26, as Arbor Day in honor of the beauty and inspiration that trees provide us. Please note, the Town’s Arbor Day celebration will be held on Saturday, April 27, as noted above.
For more information call (520) 229-5075 or click here