Independents Week 2018

Heirloom Farmers Markets is proud to be a member of Local First Arizona! This year Heirloom will be participating in Independents Week from June 30 – July 8, 2018, Local First Arizona’s summer campaign to encourage consumers across the state to support local businesses. We challenge our customers to think outside the box and not only shop from their local farmers markets, but spend their dollars with other Tucson small businesses. Learn 10 reasons to shop locally here! Want to learn how your money effects local farmers markets? Click here.

Based on Indie Impact Study Series from Civic Economics.
Independents Week (also known as Indie Week) is a nationwide campaign to raise awareness for the importance of supporting independent and local businesses. Started by the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA), Independents Week originated by playing on the words for “Independence Day,” and is a weeklong campaign around July 4 to recognize the many valuable contributions that these local businesses make to our communities. Independents Week campaigns across the country take many different forms depending on what organizations are organizing them.
Campaign Components
Golden Coupon – Local First Arizona produces a digital and physical Golden Coupon good for 20% off at participating businesses during Independents Week. Arizonans can find the coupon online or at participating businesses. It is the participating business’ responsibility to set restrictions on how the coupon can be used at their business. Participating businesses will be identified on the Local First Arizona website and directory.
To celebrate Indie Week Heirloom will offer a 20% discount on all HeirloomFM’ on all swag (totes, shirts and stickers) to Golden Coupon holders. Coupons will be accepted at all four farmers markets during June 30 – July 8, 2018 from 8am – 12pm at the Market Info booth. To learn more about our markets click here. We’ll also have a limited amount of printed Golden Tickets available at the markets. Please note that the Wednesday Indoor Green Valley Village Farmers & Artisans Market will be closed July 4 for the holiday.
Events – Regional offices will coordinate events and activities related to Independents Week and inspire people to participate in the campaign.
Marketing Campaign – Local First Arizona develops and executes and extensive marketing campaign to raise awareness for Independents Week, Local First Arizona, and the idea of supporting local businesses.
For Local First Arizona, Independents Week always runs the Saturday before July 4 to the Sunday after July 4. The 2018 campaign will run June 30 – July 8, 2018.
Independents Week is a statewide campaign. Active communities for the campaign include Phoenix Metro, Tucson Metro, Verde Valley, Flagstaff, Rim Country, Quad Cities, Bisbee, and Globe-Miami.
- To get people in the doors of local businesses using the Golden Coupon
- To spread awareness about the importance of supporting local businesses
- To raise the profile of Local First Arizona and its members
- To leverage key partners in helping to promote Independents Week and the mission of supporting local businesses
About Local First Arizona
Founded in 2003 by Executive Director Kimber Lanning, Local First Arizona (LFA) is a community and economic development organization working to strengthen local economies. LFA educates consumers about the interconnectedness of the economy, trains small businesses to be more effective and more competitive, helps larger Arizona businesses and institutions tell their story as champions of Arizona, and creates programs and events that make it fun and easy to discover local businesses and buy local. Visit for more information and a directory of more than 3,000 locally owned businesses.