

Why volunteer with Heirloom?

We’re more than a Farmers Market – we are a non-profit working to strengthen the food system of Tucson and Southern Arizona. We develop positive connections in our community by supporting small-scale sustainable agriculture and providing opportunities for all people to have access to nourishing, farm-fresh food. By volunteering, you help us to create a space that is comfortable and welcoming for all of our customers, which helps to support our food producers who feed our community! Build relationships with like-minded people, farmers, ranchers, and other food producers while developing new skills.
No experience is needed – just a positive attitude and desire to learn!

What will you be doing during a shift?

Here’s a breakdown of each type of volunteering opportunity so you know what you’re signing up for:
  • Market Set-Up (7:00am-8:00am): Help us set up the market so that it’s ready for customers! We will set up our 2 cafes with tents, tables, chairs, and benches, the music tent, our market info booth, and more. Once set-up is complete, feel free to help our vendors to set up their own booths (and build awesome relationships while doing it!) Must be able to lift 30-40 lbs.
  • Market Break-Down (12:00pm – 1:30pm): Help us close down the market and get a good workout while doing it. This position includes breaking down tents, stacking chairs, tables, and benches, collecting trash, and helping out with any closing down our vendors could need. Must be able to lift 30-40 lbs.
  • Taste of the Market: Set-up and facilitate our Taste of the Market Program! In this exciting education series, volunteer to:
    • Educate people of all ages and backgrounds about a certain topic repeatedly during the market
    • Help to prepare samples from fresh market food & follow food safety protocol
    • Take initiative when teaching education topics to customers
    • Desire to interact with and teach diverse populations preferred. Bilingual speakers wanted!! (If signing up for this volunteering position, please include in the “message” any previous experience in: cooking & food prep, education, gardening and/or agriculture, etc. OR describe your interest in getting more experience in these areas. This isn’t required to volunteer!)
  • Special Events (hours TBD based on event): We have lots of special events during the year, from food festivals to National Farmers Market Week! Often, we’ll have special jobs for events like these where we need more hands to make our events successful. By selecting this option, we’ll keep you on a stand-by list and reach out for all of our special event opportunities! Jobs can include: counting customers using a clicker, special set-up, assisting with Chef at the Market, etc.

We love our volunteers!

Volunteer with us 3 times and receive an Heirloom Farmers Market volunteer shirt.

More questions?

Email Doran at [email protected] or stop by our market info booth to say hello!