Podcast: Bike to the Farmers Market

Pedaling the Pueblo – Bike to the Farmers Market
Listen to the podcast here
Heirloom Farmers Markets is teaming up with Living Streets Alliance to celebrate bikes, local food, and sustainability with a Bike to the Farmers Market event on Sunday, April 15th at Rillito Park! Take The Loop to the farmers market to fuel up with a cup of locally roasted coffee, fill up with locally grown produce, and enjoy live music before you head off to explore the recently completed 131-miles of vehicle-free trails. There will be FREE bike valet sponsored by Blue Dog Bicycles and hosted by Living Streets Alliance.
Learn more about Bike to the Farmers Market in this interview with Zoë Anderson, Director of Marketing at Heirloom Farmers Market.

Pedaling the Pueblo is a mini-program and podcast that connects people to news and information about Tucson’s bicycle culture. A collective of bicycle enthusiasts host and produce weekly programs covering a wide variety of topics. From community events to questions about how bicycle funding works; tips to start riding more to interviews with local bicycling legends, Pedaling the Pueblo explores life on two wheels from a “people first” approach, allowing us all to have an open dialogue about how people move through our shared built environment.
Content is responsive to and driven by the community, so if you have a question or topic you’d like to hear covered, email us at [email protected]. You can also find us on Facebook.