A Dog Blog

The word is out. First and foremost I want to thank all of those that have made comments or have called our offices about the “Tighter Leash on dogs” article in the Daily Star. We have mulled over this issue for some time now and I guess it is time to face the music. Let me begin by saying that I am a dog owner and lover. I have owned dogs my whole life, and understand the joys of bringing a four-legged friend to a social arena. Along with those joys come responsibilities however, and as a market manager I am keenly aware of the difficulties that arise when those responsibilities are not met. I am sure you can now understand why this issue has been a challenging one. So where do we go from here?
We need your help! We will be posting signs at the market entrances stating our dog policy.
* Please keep your dog on a short 4ft. leash
* No Retractable leashes
*Please pick up after your animal.
* If you do not have the utmost confidence in your dogs behavior with humans and/or other dogs,
please do not bring them to the market.
We want the Sunday farmers’ market at St. Philip’s Plaza to be a memorable and harmonious experience for everyone. The urban setting and high concentration of shoppers at St. Philips presents certain challenges that some of our other markets do not. Jesse Owens Park, for example, is a fantastic public space with large open fields, and you are welcome you bring your dogs on leashes when you visit our Friday morning farmers’ market there.
For now, tighter leashes, and more awareness.
If you would like to express your opinion or concern, please feel free to stop by the market information booth or email me. We will be happy to listen.
Thank you for your support and understanding!