Shop in the Shade: A Parasol Party

Oh how the sun is shining, but we’re not complaining! The Future is So Bright We Gotta Wear Shades!
Join us for Tucson’s first-ever Shop in the Shade: A Parasol Party! We’re offering parasols to use while you shop over 70 of the finest local food vendors. Free beverages will be served along with giveaways and special discounts. Yelp Tucson will be giving away free pairs of sunglasses all day when you “Check-in” to the event on Yelp! Also, come get your photo taken with our new Javalina mascot sculpture.
Heirloom Farmers Market has moved to Rillito Park on Sundays. In October we’ll be housed in a brand new shaded farmers market pavilion. Until then, we’re located just west of the grandstand in the parking lot and we just had to throw a party to celebrate.
Rillito Park Farmers Market
4502 N. First Ave., Tucson, AZ 85718
Every Sunday from 8am-12pm (Summer Hours)